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[圖二] Nike 球鞋

[圖二] Nike 球鞋

Nike 發現了籃球與跑步用品市場的廣大商機

今年十月九號,超過八十個分析師與眾多的投資人聚集到了 Nike 在奧勒岡州的 Tiger Woods Center 參加 Nike 的年度投資人大會。來的人都得到愉快的消息,這家成立四十五年的公司已經成為全球運動用品的第一品牌,淨收入達到兩百五十億,預估在未來四年可以成長到上看三百六十億美金。

對於 Nike 來說,在籃球、跑步用品和女性衣著等等領域已經領導市場,但仍在領先項目持續成長。

以籃球相關用品領域而言,NBA 的魅力橫掃全球,籃球市場整體來講是成長。另外,Nike 發現了高性能籃球襪的市場,今年光是在美國就有一億美金的收入,未來預估會在海外可以有更大的發展。

在跑步領域,隨著 Nike「Flyknit」的技術越來越成熟,慢跑鞋的市場也持續成長,從 2010 年開始每年都有二十多個百分點的成長。除了產品的革新,另 一個成長的動力就是現在十分風行的 Nike+,目前已經有超過兩千萬個用戶,用戶對於慢跑的習慣也成為 Nike 的資料庫行銷的利器。

最後在女性衣著的方面,雖然沒有很明顯的革命性產品,但根據女性訓練服飾部門的負責人表示:「近年來這塊市場也有大幅度的成長,預估未來幾年在整體出貨,還有特別是 e-commerce 的收入會有更大的成長。」

雖然在這些部門都講出亮眼成績,但也不表示 Nike 在全球都一帆風順。2012 年在中國的銷售比前個年度降了 3.4%,原因可能是中國本身的運動風氣與運動員的知名度並不像西方國家有那麼大的影響力,即便如此,Nike 對未來中國的發展,仍然很有信心。

Over 80 analysts and investors gathered in the Tiger Woods Center at Nike's Oregon headquarters on Wednesday for the company's annual Investor Day, and boy did they get good news.

Various company heads took the stage to assure investors that the 45-year-old company, which was just named Forbes' Most Valueable Sports Brand with a brand value of $17.5 billion, currently nets revenues of over $25 billion, plans to hit $30 billion in revenue by 2015, and $36 billion just two years after that.

How will they do it? Growing businesses that they are already strong in, of course, including basketball, running and women’s apparel and footwear. While Nike already dominates the basketball shoe arena with its Jordan, Converse, and Nike brands, it has surprisingly found great success within the lackluster sock market, according to Craig Zanon, vice president and general manager of global basketball.

According to the Oregonian, Zanon told the group that Nike socks designed specifically for basketball, the Hyperlite and Elite Basketball, have brought in $100 million just in the US on an annual basis, and the company expects to see further growth both domestically and internationally.

The basketball market, in general, is growing again, thanks to LeBron James and all the other young talents the NBA is producing and promoting. “We haven’t seen this level of excitement for the game since the days of [Michael] Jordan, [Charles] Barkley, and [Scottie] Pippen in the 1990s,” said Jayme Martin, Nike’s general manager of global categories, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

The Nike brand's running division's growth will continue to be spurred by the development and expansion of its Flyknit line, which trimmed costs while also tapping into the growing low-profile athletic shoe trend. Running gear sales have gone up 26 percent annually since 2010, and Nike Inc. plans to maintain that by adding the Flyknit's trademark uppers to different Nike soles.

Another element that is helping fuel the growth of the running category is the massive amount of data that is being collected from consumers using Nike's Nike+ system and FuelBand technology, which tracks activity levels from its 20 million (and growing) members, enabling Nike to tap that data for predictive analysis. Nike's FuelBand has become a category leader when it comes to activity trackers, spurring rivals like Apple and Samsung to develop their own wearable technology.

It wasn’t exactly clear what new innovations the company has planned within women's footwear and apparel, but Heidi O'Neill, vice president of women's training and fitness for Nike, told the crowd that the products the company has introduced in recent years have all been received well and the area should see an increase of revenue from $4 billion a year to $7 billion. The company is also predicting large increases in its apparel wholesale revenue and direct-to-consumer e-commerce revenue in the coming years.

But it wasn't all growth and expansion for Nike. The company admitted that China has proved to be more tough than they expected, with sales actually dropping 3.4 percent last year. Nike, as well as other sporting apparel makers, are struggling to establish a foothold in the market, where athletics and exercise aren't as paramount as in North America and elsewhere like Russia, where Nike revenue has reached $1 billion annually. However, Nike appeared confident that a renewed approach to the market would yield better future results for China.

轉發自: Bpaper品牌好報

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