指導者/總編輯: 張蕙娟  分享者: 何柏毅
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說到最受歡迎的桌上遊戲,就不能不提到 Hasbro 的 Monopoly。除了基本款以外,這家公司也有很多主題,像是美國童軍、American Idol、波士頓紅襪等等。Monopoly 擁有他的立基市場,有廣大的支持者為這些小假錢與擲骰子的遊戲而瘋狂。

最新的版本 Monopoly Empire,則是另一個全新的主題。玩家可以在幾百萬的資金中經營自己的夢幻品牌,包含了22個目前在世界上各領域的領導品牌。獲勝目標不是買最多的房地產,是把你的品牌印在每一個美國時代廣場的廣告看版,第一個達成目標者就能得勝。不過在盡全力擴展你的品牌事業時,也要注意股票市場或是其他事件的衝擊,對比以前的版本單純許多,所以大都可以在30分鐘內結束一場遊戲。


22個品牌如下:Beats by Dr. Dre - Carnival - Chevrolet - Coca-Cola - Ducati - eBay - Electronic Arts - Fender - Hasbro - Intel - JetBlue - McDonald’s - Nerf - Nestlé - Paramount Pictures - Samsung - Spotify - Transformers - Under Armour - Xbox - X Games - Yahoo!

Hasbro’s Monopoly board game has partnered with dozens of cities and organizations over the years to create unique editions of the board game.

From the Boy Scouts of America and American Idol to the Boston Red Sox and Teaneck Township, New Jersey, the Monopoly brand has gone out of its way to find large, passionate niche audiences that might be interested in throwing around a little fake money.

But the game's latest edition, Monopoly Empire, puts millions of dollars worth of buying power in the hands of players in the form of major brands, including Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Chevrolet. Bearing the tagline "Own the world's top brands," it features 22 brands in total, and even adjusts the game's purpose to fit the big-brand model. Instead of racking up real estate on Park Place, players instead work on covering their Times Square-like billboards with brand logos. The first to do so wins.

According to a press release, "Inspired by high-rise advertising seen in the world’s biggest cities, players showcase the brands they own with billboards on a tower. The first player to fill their tower with their brand billboards wins the game. But beware of a hostile takeover, a stock market crash or other events that will change the outcome of the game. With no need to collect color property groups or build houses or hotels, most players will be able to complete a game in less than 30 minutes."

The game's famous tokens have also been tweaked for the new version, with golden icons including a Coca-Cola bottle, Ducati motorcycle, Xbox controller, Chevrolet sports car, McDonald’s fries, or a Paramount film clapper, SportsGrid reports.

But while players are busy building up their branded billboards, the actual global brands featured on the board are racking up more marketing time in front of one of the most influential demographics, kids—a gambit that has irked a few kids watchdog groups.

Susan Linn, the director of Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood told Consumerist, "2013 is turning out to be a banner year for awful toys. Monopoly Empire is certainly a contender. It’s a marketer’s dream—kids as young as eight spending hours staring at, thinking about, and working to acquire YOUR BRAND HERE. That kind of ‘sticky’ advertising is much more powerful than a mere TV commercial."

The full list of brands featured in the game: - Beats by Dr. Dre - Carnival - Chevrolet - Coca-Cola - Ducati - eBay - Electronic Arts - Fender - Hasbro - Intel - JetBlue - McDonald’s - Nerf - Nestlé - Paramount Pictures - Samsung - Spotify - Transformers - Under Armour - Xbox - X Games - Yahoo!



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